Distance from Danang to Hue is 95 kilometers, thus, it will take around 2 hours and a half directly. While traveling by taking the train or bus from Danang to Hue limit you from sightseeing the most scenic route in Central Vietnam. Plus you won’t have much privacy on bus and train. Hence, doing a road trip from Danang to Hue by car is the most popular option for tourists making it an amazing it journey with style and comfort!
Traveling by car from Danang to Hue have all the advantages that other means of transportation do not have. You can sit comfortably in a private car and enjoy the stunning sight of Hai Van Pass and Lang Co beach.
In addition, the price for Hue private car is also reasonable in comparison with other tours, especially if you are travel in a large group.
Furthermore, traveling from Danang to Hue by private car with our own professional driver makes this safe, convenient and affordable! He will help to point out best restaurants to enjoy Hue local food on way.